There may be unclaimed money, properties and more due to you and your family!

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blurb box money

States, federal agencies and other organizations hold more than 35 billion in unclaimed cash and assets! You may be eligible to claim some of these assets before they are gone.

How does it work?

We’ve gathered multiple state and government resource sites that can help you possibly find unclaimed money. During your registration process, you’ll also be able to view special, optional offers.


Complete Basic Information

Get started by filling out some basic information about yourself in the space above.


View Special Offers

Upon submit, we take you through a series of great offers selected specifically for you!


View Unclaimed Money

We provide you with multiple federal and state resources so that you can learn about how you may legally obtain any unclaimed assets that may belong to you.

US Unclaimed Money Search

US Unclaimed Money Search is a service that helps you find unclaimed money and assets that may be available in your name.

Money Stack